“LiFe iS uNfaiR”
Hmm..nape aku ckp camtu?
Bcoz bg aku idup nie mmg x pnah adil..
*except ari kiamat kang
If not why aku x jumpe die since dulu lg..
Why nk kne susah2 harung sume bende yg menyakitkan ati
Its unfair rite?
But I know dat all dat things happen dah byk ajar aku utk idup sampai ari nie..
Pe yg aku merepek aku pon x tau..
Betol ke org ckp setiap bende yg kekal trpakse lalui bende2 susah dulu?
Is dat rite?
Ntah la..
Yg penting aku akan tetap dgn janji aku tok always syg n luv her..
Hanya kesabaran je yg dpt pertahankan our luv..
Hope ‘awak’ faham bende nie…
Tanx for everything u’ve done for me..
Really appreciate it..
No matter pe bende yg da jadi n akan jadi,
Sy tetap dgn awk..
Promise tuk keep diz lurve until my last breath..
*sory tok sesape yg menyampah bace entry nie..diz post is about a boy yg really luv his gurl eventhough many bad things happen between them..n diz boy also takut if 1 day dat gurl akan penat n bosan then leave him..no matter wat, diz boy will keep trying to defend their luv until his last breath..
To diz gurl, noor eizie eizyanie, please remember dat sometimes life is unfair but his luv to u will never less
From dat boy, mohd yusof abdul aziz
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